Salmon in a soft and juicy pan

 Brown over medium heat each side for about 1 '. Add the previously washed and chopped parsley, pepper and salt, leave to season for a few seconds over moderate heat. Add the white wine:

Let evaporate a few seconds, lower the heat and cook for another 2 minutes, turning the slices only once more.

The secret for sliced Salmon Steaks is the very little cooking, the prolonged dry cooking and it dries the meat too much, making it less melting to the bite.

Take care to pour the sauce on the slices constantly to prevent it from drying, the latter in the meantime will be slightly thickened.

check the softness with the tines of a fork. The interior must be rosy and tender

The Salmon in the pan is ready. Serve hot, seasoned with the cooking sauce:
Quantità per 2 persone
2 tranci di salmone fresco circa 200 gr l’uno
2 cucchiai di olio extravergine
1 spicchio d’aglio
1 cucchiaio di pepe nero in grani
2 cucchiai di prezzemolo fresco tritato finemente
2 – 3  cucchiai di vino bianco secco
1 pizzico abbondate di sale
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